Well, with this post we've done it.
For those of you that don't know Jamie and I have been participating in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month, that's really fun to say). We've been trying our best to post every day and we did it! Yay!
Here are some things that we learned in doing so.
Blogging is hard.
We are boring.
Jamie is a talented writer (not that we didn't know that, but it was a good reminder).
Blogging helps us reflect on our lives.
Being able to prewrite posts is awesome for vacations and holidays.
It's not as hard as you'd think (Jamie).
When you force a post it ends up coming out poorly.
Talk about things that you are interested in like puppies or aardvarks.
When you ask for engagement people will typically engage.
Jamie is talented (again, not a new discovery, but a good fact none-the-less).
It is possible to maintain a blog and have a life.
We watch far too much Psych... I don't know if blogging taught us this, but it's true.
When you blog about something like Christmas gifts the people you are gifting to start talking about it.
Blogging is fun, really. Trust me. I just did it for a month.
I'm sure that there are more profound lessons in the world. I'm just setting into a food coma due to the copious amounts of noodles and flatbread that I just ate.
What is your favorite part about blogging?
Yay! Congrats! Those are some awesome little lessons and reminders that you got from blogging! My favorite thing about blogging is interacting with new people =)